I see it all the time. It’s all too common. And it’s sad, really.
But it’s time to call a ‘spade’ a ‘spade.’ ♠️
Yes, I’m talking about ‘wimpy’ websites. There, I said it.
Are you ready to acknowledge that you may be having a hard time getting clients these days because your website is—dare I say it—‘WIMPY?’ 😨
If your website is your main source for getting clients for your business, then clearly you can’t allow your website to ‘wimp’ out on you, now can you?
Are you offended at the insinuation you may have a ‘wimpy’ website?
Let’s examine what elements may be missing (or SHOULD be missing) from your site…
First—and I think most important for any business—are you sharing your rates on your website? 💲💲💲
Don’t. Remove your prices immediately!
I would venture to guess this is THE #1 reason people are clicking away.
Sure…you think it’s only fair to let people know what you charge. I mean why keep it a secret, right? 🤐
Besides, showing your rates will help to eliminate those who can’t afford you, right?
Or maybe your thinking is that if you show off how ‘reasonable’ your rates are, people will be lining up around the block to work with you. 🪝
All quite logical, I agree.
But when it comes to showing prices on your website, I say, Heck no! And here’s why…
People make assumptions.
If your rates are what people consider ‘too low,’ an assumption they may make is, “She must not be very good, OR she must be just starting out. Nah, I’m just not willing to ‘risk’ putting my specialized needs in the hands of someone who charges so little.” 📉
What do you think it says to a prospect when your rates seem TOO HIGH?
In my experience, rates can easily be ‘taken out of context.’ They may be thinking, “Of all the NERVE! Does this service provider actually believe anyone in their right mind would pay THOSE rates?”
You can hear the click of the mouse when they click right off your site in two seconds FLAT!
Let’s face it, the FIRST thing people want to know is what you charge. So, if your rates are posted on your website—trust me—that section will be the FIRST thing they read. And that will be the FIRST page they click ‘off’ from!
At this point in the sales conversion process, it doesn’t matter how many testimonials you have or how amazing your skills are. For them, it comes down to price. And they will seek out your rates, no doubt. They will click and click, page by page.
But if your rates aren’t there…
Then having invested so much time on your website, they’ll want to know your rates even more and be more determined to get them.
And that’s what you want. Yes, it is! 👍 👍 👍
You WANT to let them find out how awesome you are.
(If your website is clear on the transformation you provide, then you already have this handled.)
You WANT them to ‘hope and pray’ they can ‘afford’ to work with you. 🙏🙏🙏
(Doing it the way I’m sharing will have your potential client feel like they can’t afford NOT to work with you!)
You WANT them to be excitedly anticipating speaking with you before knowing what you charge.
In my opinion—from my own experience—your Testimonials and your amazing skills may be all they have to go on until they are fortunate enough to speak with you.
And that’s how it SHOULD be.
Below I share my experience which changed everything I thought about posting prices on my website…
In 2010, I hired an SEO expert to increase my Search Engine Optimization. (That’s a fancy way of saying I wanted to have more people visit my website.)
I paid a couple of hundred dollars a month for the term of a six-month contract with this expert.
And it worked. Boy, did it work! (That expert knew what he was doing.)
My website traffic started to feel like a faucet that never stopped running, and I couldn’t find the ‘shut-off’ valve. 🚰🚰🚰
I should mention this was during a period where I was not posting my rates on my website, so people who visited my site surely wanted to speak with me (just as I wanted them to).
My call to action was very basic. “Click here to schedule a call with me to discuss pricing and package options.”
Well, let me tell you… my calendar was JAM-PACKED, day after day, week after week! Every time slot I offered was snatched up so fast that I had to open more slots on my calendar just to accommodate all these consult calls! 📅
Now normally, you would assume this was a great thing, right? I mean people wanted to speak to me and probably even wanted to work with me.
And it was obvious my website was doing its job, so that’s positive, right?
Here’s what I learned in the first three months of my six-month SEO expert contract…
My calendar and schedule left me with no time for the clients I was already working with;
The people who were scheduling consult calls with me ‘loved‘ me, loved the services I offered, and most importantly, loved the potential of having my help to take their business to the next level of success;
The vast majority of these people simply could not afford my rates! 😥
So, I spent weeks and months with a positive feeling that I had people lining up to consult with me…
Only to find out during my lengthy follow-up process with these prospects that I was doing nothing but spinning my wheels and wasting tons of time!
But I turned all of this around
—by making one simple tweak!
Keep reading to find out the small change I implemented which made a HUGE impact on my business.
As I stated earlier—people make assumptions. If you don’t provide them the opportunity to assume the WRONG thing, they can’t. It’s as simple as that.
My advice? Take your prices OFF your website. It’s a no-win situation. 🚫
It’s your website’s job to get them to a place where once they are fortunate enough to get to speak with you… your rates will be of little (or no) consequence whatsoever.
Now, let’s talk about how you can fix your ‘wimpy’ website.
Hint: It’s not about your RATES. It’s about the SOLUTIONS you provide.
Now…in order to demonstrate your ‘grasp’ on the solutions you provide…
First, you need to demonstrate that you HAVE the specific solutions which will get them where they want to be.
Second, you need to have a clear call to action.
(My experience confirms that getting prospects to become clients IS a ‘dance’ —taken in steps).
I’d love to help you with the ‘ins and outs’ of using your website to effectively direct (the right kind of) visitors toward consulting–and working–with you!
Let’s talk about:
What elements may be missing (or SHOULD be missing) from your site;
How to discuss your rates on your website (without giving prices);
How to identify whether your website visitors (prospects) are a ‘good fit’ for your business;
How to lead prospects to get on your schedule for a consultation; and
What simple tweak I made which now has prospects ready to work with me before I even speak with them.
✅If you want to ‘un-wimp’ your website so you can get more clients, type ‘UN-WIMP MY SITE’ in the comments below, and we’ll get that set up.
^^^ During our meeting, I’ll share how your website can ‘intrigue’ prospects into wanting to speak with you AFTER you’ve piqued their curiosity. The experience is one your potential clients will appreciate.
✅ If you’re ready to examine how our ‘90 Days to Clarity & Clients’ program can help you to market your coaching program ~ without being inauthentic or pushy, click here now to book your game plan strategy session.