We’ve watched many promising coaches and consultants spiral into the dark abyss because they thought having a website and a LinkedIn profile was all they needed to attract paying clients.
Then, by the time they figure out that having a website and a profile does not equate to clients lining up to work with them—they’ve wasted so much time scratching their heads that they’ve missed out on opportunities that would INSPIRE interest in their services and programs.
Suddenly, they become a student of marketing rather than a highly paid and sought-after coach/consultant.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated.
If you’re not careful, your support system (usually a spouse or partner) will fatigue from all the big talk that only results in more false starts.
We’ve seen this nasty cycle all too often, so we get the conundrum.
It’s what we call the ‘Consistency Conundrum.’
To attract the kind of clients you want to work with, you need just three things…
- CLARITY on precisely who you want to work with and are uniquely qualified to serve and what you can offer them that is so irresistible they can’t resist speaking with you;
- To be CONSISTENTLY VISIBLE in front of those specific people; and
- A CLIENT acquisition system that allows you to attract, engage and enroll your ideal clients in an authentic way without being salesy or pushy.
It can feel like an impossible trap. And, as we illustrated earlier, many hopeful coaches and consultants get stuck here.
The way out is much easier than you may think.
Like unpacking the hints in one of those escape room adventure games, the clues are all around you, but solving it yourself is extremely difficult.
Here’s the reality when it comes to escaping this Consistency Conundrum:
A lot of the self-doubt and lack of certainty comes from not knowing WHAT you’re offering, for WHOM specifically, and exactly HOW you’re packaging and presenting it to the right prospect.
Simply having a website isn’t gonna cut it. (Especially if no one goes there).
When you know what you’re offering is compelling (and for whom), you can easily put together a prospecting plan around an offer uniquely yours. (A prospecting plan that doesn’t involve you cold contacting anyone with a pulse and a credit card… which is demoralizing at best.)
Confidence comes from CLARITY.
Clarity around YOU, your OFFER, and your OUTCOME.
That’s the only way you’ll OWN your expertise and come off like a “natural expert” talking to prospects.
And from here… it’s a lot easier to put yourself in the jetstream of more and better clients to break out of that Consistency Conundrum trap for good.
So if you’re still “confused about where to start”… you’ll wanna put all your focus and energy on getting CRYSTAL CLEAR on who you are as a coach or consultant and HOW that translates into a unique, problem-solving package you can call your own.
P.S. If you’re looking to grow your coaching / consulting business… and solve this Consistency Conundrum a lot faster than trying to figure it out on your own, so you can start landing higher-level clients asap… we can help. We work closely with a small group of coaches and consultants looking to improve, build or launch an EXCEPTIONAL online practice.
So here’s what we’re looking for:
✔ You have an existing full-time coaching business or are committed to launching one now.
✔ You want to create a high ticket offer, or you already have one you want to scale.
✔ You’re committed to learning a proven system for building a profitable and sustainable coaching / consulting business.
If that’s you…
✅ If you’re ready to examine how our ‘90 Days to Clarity & Clients’ program can help you to market your coaching program ~ without being inauthentic or pushy, click here now to book your game plan strategy session.